Specifications grading? What are they and how do they impact student learning?
There has been increasing interest in alternative grading practices in recent
years, as evidenced by a growing number of publications and presentations,
possibly related to the increase in equitable pedagogical practices and a
refocus on learning rather than grades. Despite the growing body of knowledge
about grading alternatives, it remains hard to define as there are a large
number of variations and approaches to “ungrading”.
This interactive panel session will feature
instructors from various disciplines sharing their experiences using
alternative grading practices, including ungrading and specs grading, in a
variety of classes (upper-level, lower-level, general education, and majors).
Following an initial discussion of their experiences, the panelists will
facilitate a conversation with attendees about the challenges and benefits of
these approaches. The panelists will share examples of materials they’ve
created through handouts and digital access for attendees.
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