How to
provide appropriate care for the self and others in the midst of chaos? This
panel, consisting of faculty and staff from across UW-Green Bay, will discuss
the ways that they embraced the concept of radical care during and since Covid
for faculty, staff, students, and themselves as instructors and people. This
group, comprised of a member
of the Center for Teaching and Learning, a former Director at Residence Life
who is now the Pride Center Coordinator,
the UW-Green Bay Distance Education Coordinator, the Assessment Coordinator and
faculty member, and a faculty member who teaches in four disciplines (Writing
Foundations, English Literature, Humanities and WGSS), will discuss the ways
that they adapted to this situation with the idea of “care as a critical
survival strategy” as outlined in Kawehipuaakahaopulani Hobart and Kneese’s
“Radical Care: Survival Strategies for Uncertain Times” with a community of
care approach and how that affected their target groups and themselves. This
presentation is also informed by bell hooks' tenet from _Teaching to
Transgress_ that "to educate is the practice of freedom," as we
had to re-educate ourselves based on necessity and recognition of student and
personal bandwidth. Each participant will talk about her own experiences for
about 4 minutes each and then we will leave 10 minutes for Q&A from the
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