What are you advocating for in your
experiential education program to foster student success? In the past five
years, UW-Parkside has prioritized justice-oriented efforts to increase equity
and access for internships while also investing in internship alternatives,
including community-based learning, campus employment, and work-based learning.
This presentation will contribute new insights into students’ access to
internships and will highlight the evolution of assessment in a
decentralized internship program through the adoption of university-wide
internship learning goals, faculty professional
development, student self-assessment, and LMS-integrated instructor assessment
of student learning. Presenters will also discuss potential impact on students’
academic success and overall career readiness through participation in
internship alternatives, including a new work-based experiential learning course, as well as how we can increase
participation of disadvantaged and marginalized student groups in high-impact
practices (HIPs). Participants will leave with concrete strategies that can be
implemented in the classroom, across a curriculum, or within whole programs.
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